
Global Studies Food Studies Concentration Associate in Arts




First Semester

COLS101College Success

1 credits

COMM101Introduction to Communication

3 credits

ENGL101English I

3 credits

GLBL130Introduction to Global Studies

3 credits

CISC101Introduction to Information Technology

3 credits

POLS101Introduction to Political Science

3 credits


Second Semester

ENGL151LEnglish II

3 credits

GEOG101Peoples and the Environments of the World

3 credits

Mathematics Elective (QL)++

3 credits

FDST110Food and Identity

3 credits


SOCA102Cultural Anthropology

3 credits


SOCA103Principles of Sociology

3 credits


PSYC103Introduction to Psychology

3 credits


Summer Semester

Summer Study Abroad or

Field Experience & Academic Research in Global Studies ***


Third Semester

GEOG210Weather and Climate

4 credits

FDST201Sustainable Food Systems

3 credits

Modern Language +

3 credits

Concentration Elective*

3 credits


Fourth Semester

GLBL230Global Studies Capstone

3 credits

Modern Language +

3 credits

Mathematics (QL) or Science (SCI) Elective ++

3/4 credits

Concentration Elective*

3 credits

Elective +++

3 credits


Total Credits: 62-64

  • Two courses must be completed in Writing Intensive (WI) sections.


+ 6 credits of the same Modern Language are required for graduation.


+++ Elective must be chosen from the list of courses which are applicable to AA and AS degrees and should be chosen with transferability in mind.


*** Not all study abroad courses may run every summer. Options include: INTS200 (for a total of 3 cr), INTS201, INTS202, INTS250, POLS150, POLS170, GLBL160, SOCA268.


See Electives tab for list of Concentration and Math/Science elective options


*Concentration Electives (two courses required)

HUMA121American Work Experience

3 credits

HUMA150Nature of the Environment

3 credits

HUMA250GResearch Methods in the Social Sciences

3 credits

GEOG140Investigating Climate Change

3 credits

GEOG271Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

4 credits

PHIL202Ethics & Moral Problems

3 credits

PSYC205Research Methods

3 credits

Only one of the following may count for credit toward the same degree: HUMA250G or PSYC205

++Math or Science Electives

MATH120Nature of Mathematics

3 credits

MATH140College Algebra

3 credits


3 credits

MATH150Introductory Statistics

3 credits


4 credits

MATH165Applied Calculus

3 credits

MATH175Calculus I with Review (Part 1)

4 credits

MATH176Calculus I with Review (Part 2)

4 credits

MATH180Calculus I

4 credits

MATH181Calculus II

4 credits

MATH210Calculus III

4 credits

MATH211Differential Equations

4 credits

BIOS104Field Ecology

4 credits

BIOS105Contemporary Biology

4 credits

BIOS107Biology I

4 credits

BIOS110In Your Genes

4 credits

BIOS115Essentials of Biology

4 credits

BIOS126Environmental Science

4 credits

BIOS150Biology II

4 credits

BIOS160Human Biology

4 credits

BIOS202Microbiology for Allied Health

4 credits

BIOS204Human Anatomy & Physiology I

4 credits

BIOS206General Ecology

4 credits

CHEM105Chemistry in Contemporary Society

4 credits

CHEM120General Chemistry I

4 credits

CHEM135Chemistry of Life

4 credits


4 credits

GEOL201Physical Geology

4 credits

PHYS101Physics I

4 credits

PHYS151Physics II

4 credits

PHYS215Physics for Science & Engineering I

5 credits

PHYS225Physics for Science & Engineering II

5 credits

MATH150 is the recommended math course