Student Services - Monroe

Career Services

Assistance in developing a career plan and conducting a successful job search is available to current students and alumni. Students can also receive assistance with career decision-making and choosing a major. Career Services staff can administer interest and personality assessments to help students learn more about themselves and potential careers that might be a good fit. Career Services receives job and internship opportunities from area employers which are posted on an online job board, College Central Network (CCN). In addition, job and internship opportunities are posted on a bulletin board in the Advising/Career Services suite on the first floor of Keystone Hall. Additional services include: individualized help with resume and cover letter development, interview preparation, employer research, and more. Career Fairs are held at both the Bethlehem and Monroe campuses, as well as other unique programming throughout the year. Daytime and evening appointments are available. Career Services is located in Keystone Hall, Room 135. For appointments call 570-369-1871, 610-861-5344 or email

Early Care and Education Center

Located in Kapp Hall, the Hannig Family Children’s Center offers a developmentally appropriate, arts integrated early care and education program for children ages six weeks to kindergarten entry. The program is available to students at reasonable hourly, part-time or full-time rates. Hours of operation are 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday year round. Applications and registrations are accepted on a continuous basis and forms are available at the Admissions Office in Keystone Hall or the Hannig Family Children’s Center located in Kapp Hall, Room 018C. For more information call 570-369-1861.

Students who qualify for financial aid should contact the Financial Aid office (610-861- 5510) to determine eligibility for assistance with childcare expenses. A limited amount of need based scholarships funds are also available. For more information about scholarship opportunities call 610-332-6278.


Professional counselors are available to assist you with your transition to college; to provide academic counseling; to administer career interest, personality and aptitude tests; to provide guidance in career decision-making; and to provide short-term personal and substance abuse counseling. The members of the counseling staff value and respect each individual student’s privacy. To the extent possible, counselors will not disclose information to anyone outside the counseling conversation or relationship without the student’s explicit written permission. However, disclosure may be necessary when it becomes evident that the student presents a clear and imminent danger to him or herself or others. Students in need of therapy or medication are referred to local therapists, psychiatrists or agencies. Counseling staff members are available in Keystone Hall, Room 130. To schedule an appointment with a counselor, call 570-369-1842.

Spartan Aid

Spartan Aid services assist students to evaluate their financial and personal situation to identify and resolve any non-academic barriers to college success. For example, an independent student with dependent children who works at a low-wage job may find it difficult or impossible to pay all of her/his bills. Spartan Aid staff may help that student to identify his/her eligibility for SNAP (food stamps) or other benefits available through college, state, or federal sources. Securing SNAP benefits may allow a student to feed his/her family and release needed funds for other expenses, allowing that student to stay in school to finish a degree. Small no-interest loans are available for textbooks and/or emergencies. Spartan Aid staff is knowledgeable about a variety of college and community resources and will refer and/or assist students with the process of applying for these services online or in person. For more information, please contact the Counseling Office in Keystone Hall 130.

Monroe Food Pantry

The Monroe Campus Food Pantry is located in Kapp Hall, Room 10. Staffed by student and staff volunteers, the pantry provides non-perishable food items gathered through college food drives. The pantry welcomes donations of non-perishable foods, toiletry items, and diapers.

Students will be asked to show a valid student ID. The schedule is available at; students can also request assistance on days that the pantry is not open by stopping by the Counseling Department in Keystone 130.

Students with Disabilities

Northampton Community College is actively involved in providing services to students with disabilities and encourages academically qualified students with disabilities to take advantage of its educational programs. Services and accommodations are offered to facilitate accessibility to both College programs and school facilities in compliance with ADA guidelines. Services are provided at no additional cost to students. For additional information call 570-369-1910 or stop by Room 137 in Keystone Hall. View the student policies section of this handbook for further information.


Do you plan on transferring? Located in Keystone Hall, Advising and Transfer Services has current information on educational institutions and training programs. Information is also available on articulation agreements NCC has with other institutions. Each semester NCC holds a transfer fair with over 40 colleges attending to provide information and answer your questions. For the most up to date information, visit us on the web at

Student Veterans Services

Student Veterans Services is located in the Admissions/Financial Aid area, of Keystone Hall. Our mission is to provide assistance for all of those transitioning into higher education, by providing easy access to the resources available to all NCC student veterans, dependents of veterans, and those students who are currently serving in the military.

Appointments are available and walk-in visits are welcome during regular business hours, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. Call 570-369-1801 for more information.

Tutoring/Academic Support

The Monroe Campus Learning Center (MCLC) is located in Room 140 Keystone Hall and provides various types of learning assistance to help students successfully reach their academic goals. Our services are free and include one-on-one and small group tutoring for writing and Modern Languages by appointment. Walk-in tutoring is available for other subjects including, but not limited to, Mathematics, Statistics, Business, Accounting, Economics, Art, Music, Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy and Physiology, and Computer Science classes.
Other free services/resources include use of the Learning Center computers, study skills assistance and college success strategies.

Additionally, the Monroe Campus Learning Center facilitates various learning workshops, and review sessions on request of faculty, staff or students.
The Learning Center Hours of Operation are Monday through Thursday 8:00 am to 7:00 pm, and Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Online tutoring in Mathematics, Spanish, Accounting and Writing is also available. The schedule can be accessed at These hours are subject to change, so watch for appropriate postings.

Visit us on the MCLC pages on MyNCC, like us of Facebook; follow us on Twitter at NCCMCLC for the latest, most instant updates or call 570-369-1820.