Course Numbering System

4.03.6 Course Numbering 
Course numbers at Northampton Community College designate the level of appropriate expectations and the academic rigor of each course.  All course numbers, both credit and non-credit, are assigned by the Registrar.  It is the responsibility of the appropriate Division to identify the level of the course (i.e. 100, 200).

Courses below 100 (OXX) Level 
1.  Courses numbered below 100 (0XX) are designed to allow students to develop academic skills and prepare them for work in college level courses (for example MATH 022 Elementary Algebra, ACLS 050 Introduction to Academic Literacy).

2.    While courses below 100 each carry credit for determining student class load and for financial aid, those credits may not be applied to any degree, certificate, or diploma granted by the College.

100 (1XX) Level Courses

1. Courses at the 100 level prepare students for academic success by developing foundational knowledge and skills.

2. Students typically take 100 level courses in the first year of their program. 

3. Most 100 level courses require a high school-level background or equivalent for the student to receive maximum benefit and have a reasonable chance of succeeding in the course. 

4. 100 level courses will have no more than one semester of prerequisites (excluding OXX courses).

200 (2XX) Level Courses

1. Courses at the 200 level typically build upon the skills and concepts presented in the 100 level courses.  200 level courses include increased complexity and opportunities to develop advanced skills.

2. Students typically take 200 level courses in the second year of their program.

3. Most 200 level courses require a foundational background in the discipline and/or related skill areas in order to receive maximum benefit and have a reasonable chance of succeeding in the course. 

4. 200 level courses may have more than one semester of prerequisites (excluding OXX courses).