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Programs of Study
Admissions Policy
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Program Information
Tuition Schedule
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Policies: College/Academic
Degree Information
Academic Programs
Course Descriptions
ACCT - Accounting
ACLS - Academic Learning Skills
ARCH - Architecture
ARTA - Art
ASEP - Automotive Technology GM
AUTC - Automotive Technology Chrysler
AUTO - Automotive Technology
BAKE - Baking
BIOS - Biological Science
BUSA - Business
CADM - Computer Aided Design
CHEM - Chemistry
CISC - Computer & Information Science
CJST - Criminal Justice
CMTH - Communications/ Theatre
COLS - College Success
COMM - Communication
CMGT - Construction Management
COUN - Counseling
CRFT - Craft Beverage
CULA - Culinary Arts
DANC - Dance
DATS - Data Science
DENH - Dental Hygiene
DMSG - Diagnostic Medical Sonography
DSTL - Distilling
EARL - Early Childhood Education
ECON - Economics
EDUC - Education
ELEC - Electronics Technology
ELTC - Electrical Technology
EMEC - Electromechanical Technology
EMGS - Emergency Services
ENGG - Engineering
ENGL - English
ENTR - Entrepreneurship
ESLL - English as a Second Language
FDST - Food Studies
FUNS - Funeral Service Education
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GLBL - Global Studies
HCOA - Healthcare Office Administration
HEAL - Health
HIST - History
HOSP - Hospitality
HOTL - Hotel Management
HUMA - Humanities
HVAC - Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration
INDS - Interior Design
INTS - Interdisciplinary Studies
JOUR - Journalism
LIBT - Library Technical Assistant
MATH - Mathematics
MDAS - Medical Assisting
MDLA - Modern Languages
MEPL - Meeting and Event Planning
MUSC - Music
NANF - Nanofabrication
NURS - Nursing
NUTR - Nutrition
OFAD - Office Administration
OSAH - Occupational Safety
PARL - Paralegal
PHED - Physical Education
PHIL - Philosophy
PHYS - Physics
POLS - Political Science
PSAP - Applied Psychology
PSYC - Psychology
PUBH - Public Health
PUBL - Publishing
QUAL - Quality
RADT - Radiography
RESP - Respiratory Care
SCWK - Social Work
SMAT - Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Sciences
SOCA - Sociology/ Anthropology
SPEC Special Education
SPRT - Sport Management
THEA- Theatre
VETC - Veterinary Technician
WELD - Welding Technology
Additional Resources
Student Handbook
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FDST - Food Studies
Food and Identity
Sustainable Food Systems