
Computer Aided Design, Certificate


Upon successful completion of the program, the graduate should be able to:

  • Demonstrate competent speaking, technical vocabulary, and technical writing skills when working with diverse groups, displaying the ability to work independently & collaboratively for observation, integrative, and synthetic skills.
  • Exhibit proficient computer, 2D drafting, and intermediate 3D modeling and design skills in using several current industry standard CAD software such as but not limited to AutoCAD, Inventor, and/or Solidworks to create mechanical designs for product parts, assemblies, and models, applying appropriate drafting standards, dimensioning and tolerancing for same. 
  • Applies 3D parametric modeling techniques to create a digital prototype of the project and uses rapid prototyping or similar technology to create a physical prototype of the design. 
  • Utilize analysis tools included in the CAD software to perform simple analysis of parts and dynamic motion analysis of assemblies to detect interferences of assembled parts.  
  • Apply knowledge mastered to troubleshooting and solving discipline and industry-related problems by analyzing and presenting data in an acceptable and standardized manner with proficient research and computer data-gathering skills.


First Semester

CADM100Engineering Graphic Essentials

3 credits

CADM115Computer Aided Design I

3 credits

CISC101Introduction to Information Technology

3 credits

COLS101College Success

1 credits

ENGL101English I

3 credits

MATH140College Algebra

3 credits


Second Semester

CADM125Manufacturing Processes

3 credits

CADM205Computer Aided Design II

3 credits

CADM230Parametric Modeling- Inventor I

3 credits

COMM101Introduction to Communication

3 credits

ENGL151TEnglish II

3 credits


Third Semester

CADM210Computer Aided Design III

3 credits

CADM220Parametric Modeling - SOLIDWORKS I

3 credits

CADM240Digital Manufacturing I

3 credits


3 credits


Total Credits: 43