
Emergency Services Administration, Associate in Applied Science



Whether an emergency is the result of a natural disaster or man-made, governments, schools, hospitals and industry need to be able to respond effectively. Emergency Services administrators are the managers who are charged with meeting this important challenge by providing fire, police, emergency medical services and more. Northampton's associate's degree is open to all qualified applicants. If you are an experienced first responder interested in advancing your career, this program could be an excellent option for you. Individuals employed in the private sector as safety officers or security professionals can also develop and strengthen their capabilities and effectiveness by completing this program.

Northampton's graduates are employed in positions with job titles such as emergency management coordinator, deputy or assistant emergency management coordinator, public safety director, emergency operations director, fire fighter, emergency medical technician, law enforcement official, safety professional or security coordinator.


Our program and course content has been developed to be congruent with concepts established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) and local emergency planning committees. Courses emphasize an interoperable approach to the total cycle of emergency management. We develop your administrative skills, including accounting and human resources management, so that you can function at an operational level within an emergency response organization or agency. Required General Education courses round out your training so that you are equipped to communicate well with diverse staff and the community.


The Emergency Services Administration degree contains provisions for a free elective of three credits in addition to the General Education electives. This program can be completed in the day or evening, on a full-time or part-time basis. This program is offered on our virtual campus. No scheduled course meetings, requires online, independent work.

View our Non-credit & Continuing Education Training Programs

Career Potential: Emergency Management Coordinators, Fire Officer, Law Enforcement Officer, Emergency Medical Supervisor, Safety and Security Director, Corrections Officer, Emergency Management Specialist, Emergency Response Manager



Graduates of the program will:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of administrative principles as they relate to accounting/finance and management.
  • Apply emergency service and public safety skills as they relate to agency/organization operations.
  • Acquire and demonstrate strong presentation and communication skills.
  • Acquire and practice an understanding of ethics and legal responsibility as they pertain to the gravity of emergency response and public safety.
  • Work effectively in both individual and team environments.
  • Design and implement a cohesive administrative strategy, effectively combining all elements of successful business practice.
  • Employ critical thinking and problem-solving techniques relevant to emergency situations.


First Semester

COLS101College Success

1 credits

CISC101Introduction to Information Technology

3 credits

COMM101Introduction to Communication

3 credits

EMGS120Emergency Services Health & Safety

3 credits

ENGL101English I

3 credits

MATH150Introductory Statistics

3 credits


Second Semester

EMGS122Emergency Action Planning

3 credits

EMGS231Law for Emergency Services

3 credits

ENGL151REnglish II

3 credits

General Education Elective (AH)

3 credits

General Education Elective (SSHB)

3 credits


Third Semester

ACCT101Financial Accounting I

3 credits

BUSA226Human Resources Management

3 credits

EMGS217Public Information & Relations

3 credits

EMGS221Emergency Service Management

3 credits

POLS251State and Local Government

3 credits


Fourth Semester

BUSA152Business Law I

3 credits

EMGS216Emergency Fiscal Administration

3 credits

EMGS218Incident Command & Management

3 credits

EMGS219Regulatory Compliance

3 credits


3 credits


Total Credits: 61

  • For the General Education Electives, students must select one course from the list of approved courses in each of the following categories: Arts & Humanities (AH) and Social Science: Scientific Study of Human Behavior (SSHB).
  • One General Education Elective must be taken in a Writing Intensive (WI) section, and one should be designated as Diversity and Global Awareness (D).