
Special Education, Specialized Diploma




Program Narrative

The Special Education, Specialized Diploma of NCC prepares students with special education content knowledge and skills that uniquely qualify them for the paraeducator workforce. As a paraeducator, (i.e., teaching assistant), students are prepared to work under the supervision of a certified teacher in educational classrooms, and in particular, children receiving special education services. The Specialized Diploma requires the successful completion of three special education courses, totaling 9-credits.


In addition to the special education coursework, students participate in over 40 hours of practical classroom experience. Together, these courses offer students opportunities to develop and practice essential competencies for working with children of varying abilities. The specialized diploma can be used as a beginning pathway for students who then decide to complete the special education AA degree and/or who intend to transfer to a 4-year college or university for pre-k-12 special education teacher certification.

Coursework required for the specialized diploma is offered on the Bethlehem and Monroe Campus as well as through Online Learning


Required Courses

SPEC160Introduction to Special Education

3 credits

SPEC220Assessment in Special Education

3 credits

SPEC240Instructional Strategies in Inclusive Environments

3 credits

Total Credits: 9

+SPEC160 is a co- or prerequisite for SPEC220 and SPEC240