FUNS101 Principles of Funeral Service

A review of the typical religious funeral customs associated with Judaism, Roman Catholicism, and Protestantism and strategies to enhance the relationships between the funeral director, the clergy, and the bereaved. Restricted to Funeral students. Prereq. - ACCT100 or 101, BIOS160, BIOS202, BUSA152, CHEM135, CISC101 and PSYC221 all with C or better. Offered fall semester only.


2 credits


(C in ACCT101 and C in BIOS160 and C in BIOS202 and C in BUSA152 and C in CHEM135 and C in CISC101 and C in PSYC221) or (C in BIOS202 and C in BUSA152 and C in CHEM135 and C in CISC101 and C in PSYC221 and C in ACCT100 and C in BIOS160)