Student Code of Conduct

Philosophy: Students enrolling in the College for credit or non-credit courses assume an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the College’s function as an educational institution.

The College has an interest in behavior subject to this code separate from that of the civil authorities and, therefore, has the right and responsibility to exercise its jurisdiction and to take such action as is appropriate to protect this interest. Whenever appropriate, the College may report a discipline matter to civil authorities.

Any member of the College community (administrative official, faculty member, employee or student) may bring a charge under this code against a student by submitting the particulars of the allegation in writing to the Associate Dean of Student Life at the Bethlehem Campus or the Associate Dean of Student Services at the Monroe Campus. In addition to bringing charges under the code, all Northampton students are encouraged to bring all grievances and complaints to the Student Affairs Office (Bethlehem) or the Associate Dean of Student Services Office (Monroe). Please visit for more details.

The discipline process is designed to maintain a safe and civil environment while educating students on community expectations. Students who are unable to conform to community expectations may no longer be able to participate as a member of this community. The preponderance of evidence standard will be used throughout the discipline process. Therefore, students may be sanctioned if it is determined to be more likely than not that a policy violation occurred. Any sanction(s) will be proportionate to the severity of the violation(s).

Student Misconduct (non-academic)

Misconduct for which a student is subject to disciplinary action includes the following:

  1. Forgery, alteration or misuse of college documents, records or identification fraud; or knowingly furnishing false information to the College.
  2. Acting or speaking in a manner seriously disruptive to the normal educational functions of the College, administration of the College disciplinary procedures or other College activities, including its community service functions, or of other authorized activities on College property or at College-sponsored or supervised functions.
  3. Assaulting or harassing any person on College property or at College-sponsored or supervised functions; or threatening to do any of those acts; or conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of another person.
  4. Stealing, concealing, defacing, tampering with, or intentionally damaging College property, or the property of a student, College employee, or campus visitor, or threatening to do so.
  5. Unauthorized entry to, or use of, College property, including the failure to leave any of the College buildings or grounds after being requested to do so by an authorized representative of the College while in the performance of his duties.
  6. Drinking or possessing any alcoholic beverage*, or being intoxicated on College property or at College-sponsored or supervised functions.
  7. Use, possession, or distribution on College properties or at College-sponsored or supervised functions of controlled or dangerous drugs or substances as defined by state and/or federal law. In reference to medical marijuana (cannabis), it is a controlled substance under federal law and its possession and use, even for medical reasons, is prohibited on property owned or operated by the College or at College-sponsored or affiliated programs and events.
  8. Possession or use on College property or at College-sponsored or supervised functions of any firearm, gun, knife (except a pen knife without a switchblade), or other dangerous or deadly weapons of any kind, or of any explosive material or device, except as expressly permitted in writing by the President or his designee.
  9. Failure to comply with reasonable directions of college officials acting in performance of their duties, including refusing to furnish identification upon request.
  10. Violation of other published College policies or regulations, or violation of federal, commonwealth, or local laws constituting felonies or misdemeanors.

Unless otherwise provided, the above actions will be considered unacceptable conduct on any of the College’s campuses or branch facilities, including the student residential complex, and at College-sponsored or supervised functions or in any situation where students officially represent the College away from the campus.

*Students who are age 21 or above may consume alcohol when it is served, with College approval, at a College-sponsored event. However, all students, regardless of age, must abide by the laws of the Commonwealth and may not at any time be intoxicated on College property or at a College-sponsored event.

The consumption or possession of alcohol, alcohol containers or alcohol paraphernalia, is not permitted in the residential complex.

Disciplinary Actions

Warning: Oral or written expression that the student is in violation of the Student Code of Conduct and the imposed discipline, if any.

Disciplinary Probation: An official notice that the student may face suspension or expulsion should the student be involved in another incident during a specified period of time. The student may be excluded from acting as a representative of, or participant in, College co-curricular activities or programs and regular probationary meetings may be mandated.

Interim suspension: Exclusion from classes and other privileges or activities (not to exceed 15 calendar days) pending final determination of an alleged violation. It is to be invoked only when the presence of the student on campus is detrimental either to the student or to others.

Suspension: Exclusion from classes and/or exclusion from other privileges or activities or from campus for a specific period of time.

Dismissal: Permanent dismissal from the College.

Housing and Residence Life Actions

Housing Probation: An official notice that the student may face housing contract termination should the student be involved in another incident during a specified period of time. The student may be excluded from acting as a representative of, or participant in, Housing and Residence Life activities or programs and regular probationary meetings may be mandated.

Housing visitation suspension: Exclusion from visiting the apartments, residential complex and general grounds or parking lots surrounding the housing facilities, including activities sponsored or supervised by the housing office, for a specific period of time.

Housing suspension: Exclusion from the apartments, residential complex and general grounds or parking lots surrounding the housing facilities including activities sponsored or supervised by the housing office, for a specific period of time. Students placed on housing suspension may be placed on probation or receive additional sanctions from the College.

Disciplinary action taken by the College is confidential. However, upon written request, alleged victims of any non-forcible sex offense or crime of violence (as defined by the Department of Education) will be notified of the results of any disciplinary proceedings against the accused student. If the alleged victim is deceased due to the crime or offense, the next of kin will be notified of the results upon written request. Any disciplinary action may include additional stipulations such as fines and/or rehabilitative procedures such as counseling and/or community service.

Disciplinary Actions Jurisdiction

The Associate Dean of Student Life at the Bethlehem Campus or the Associate Dean of Student Services at the Monroe Campus or his/her designees are responsible for administering the Student Code of Conduct. The College Committee on Discipline functions to hear appeals and offenses as deemed appropriate by the Associate Dean of Student Life at the Bethlehem Campus or the Associate Dean of Student Services at the Monroe Campus.

The rules hereby adopted shall govern the conduct of students upon the campuses of the College and also upon or with respect to any other premises or property under the control of the College used in its teaching, research, administrative, service, cultural, recreation, athletic and other programs and activities.

Except for College-sponsored off-campus programs, it is the intent of the College to leave disciplinary action with respect to off-campus offenses to civil authorities. It must be noted, however, that there are certain off-campus offenses that by their very nature pose as disruptions or serious threats to the College Community. In such cases, the College reserves the right to take appropriate action.

Disciplinary Procedures

  1. The Associate Dean of Student Life at the Bethlehem Campus or the Associate Dean of Student Services at the Monroe Campus or his/her designee will conduct an investigation of the alleged misconduct. Based on the results of the investigation, the Associate Dean of Student Life at the Bethlehem Campus or the Associate Dean of Student Services at the Monroe Campus or his/her designee will either:
    1. dismiss the charge
    2. impose a disciplinary action in the form of a warning, probation, interim suspension, suspension, or expulsion
    3. refer the case to the College Committee on Discipline. The Committee will recommend action to the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment.
  2. All disciplinary actions are to be imposed within 20 consecutive days of the initial written notification of the charges.
  3. For cases initially referred to the College Committee on Discipline:
    1. The College Committee on Discipline shall be composed of the following: 8 faculty members (at least two who teach at the Monroe campus) elected to a two year term at large by their peers; 8 students (at least 2 shall take classes at the Monroe Campus) appointed to a one year term by the Student Senate and/ or Monroe Student Governance; and an appointee of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment.
      Note: students may self-nominate or be nominated by their peers or faculty and staff at the College. Elected members of the student governing bodies are automatically eligible for consideration.
      1. A quorum shall consist of the following: 3 persons – including 1 faculty member, 1 student and the appointed administrator. All decisions shall be determined by a majority of those present.
      2. Election of faculty and students to this Committee will be administered by the office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment.
    2. The accused will receive written notification of:
      1. Charges lodged against him/her, including identification of the complainant
      2. Scheduled time and place of all hearings to include the identity of the person(s) hearing the case. A student has the right to challenge the composition of the College Committee on Discipline. The
      3. Associate Dean of Student Life at the Bethlehem Campus or the Associate Dean of Student Services at the Monroe Campus must be notified in writing of this intent no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled hearing. This notification must identify, as precisely as possible, the specific reason for the challenge.
      4. Any disciplinary action that is to be imposed and the specific period of time for which the disciplinary action will be in effect.
      5. The student is entitled to assistance by an advisor who can be a faculty member, staff member, or a fellow student from within the College. This advisor will be allowed to join the student in the hearing; however, the accused student is responsible for presenting his/her own information and the advisor is not permitted to speak or participate directly. The Associate Dean of Student Life at the Bethlehem Campus or the Associate Dean of Student Services at the Monroe Campus must receive written notification from the student of the intent to have an advisor present no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled procedure.
      6. All hearings are closed unless the student requests an open hearing.
  4. A student, charged with a violation of the code, shall be presumed innocent of those charges until responsibility is determined or the basis of the evidence properly admitted.
  5. Refusal by the student to participate in disciplinary proceedings shall result in exclusion from classes and/or exclusion from other privileges or activities or from campus. Additionally, discipline proceedings may be held without the presence of accused students who refuse to participate in the process.


Any student found responsible for a violation under the Code of Conduct may appeal the decision as outlined below. Such appeals must be filed in writing with the Associate Dean of Student Life at the Bethlehem Campus or the Associate Dean of Student Services at the Monroe Campus within 5 days from the date the student received notification of the disciplinary action. The written appeal must contain reasons for the appeal.

Normally, appeals may be made on three bases:

  1. New information sufficient to alter a decision.
  2. The College’s failure to follow its own processes and procedures.
  3. Improper sanctions.

A student may appeal a disciplinary decision of the Associate Dean of Student Life at the Bethlehem Campus or the Associate Dean of Student Services at the Monroe Campus to the College Committee on Discipline. After hearing an appeal, the Committee will recommend action to the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment or his/her designee.

In cases where the College Committee on Discipline conducts the initial hearing and recommends action to the Associate Dean of Student Life, appeals will be made directly to the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment, or his/her designee. The Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment decision represents the final process within the institution of all judicial matters.