
Liberal Arts: History Concentration, Associate in Arts


Graduates of the program will:

  • Understand the historical and cultural contexts of contemporary civilization.
  • Evaluate and discuss diverse points of view.
  • Communicate ideas effectively.
  • Speak and understand a modern language other than English.
  • Retrieve, evaluate, and apply information from a range of sources.
  • Develop strategies for solving both abstract and practical problems.


First Semester

COLS101College Success

1 credits

CMTH102Introduction to Communication

3 credits

ENGL101English I

3 credits

HISTHistory Elective ++

3 credits

MATHMathematics Elective (QL)

3/4 credits


SOCA102Cultural Anthropology

3 credits


SOCA103Principles of Sociology

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:16-17

Second Semester

ENGL151LEnglish II

3 credits

PSYC103Introduction to Psychology

3 credits


Science Elective (SCI)

3/4 credits


CMTH110Introduction to the Theatre

3 credits


MUSC101Introduction to Music

3 credits


ARTA101Art History Survey

3 credits


DANC101Dance History

3 credits


Concentration Elective*

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15-16

Third Semester

MDLAModern Language +

3 credits

PHIL201Introduction to Philosophy

3 credits

Mathematics (QL) or Science (SCI) Elective

3/4 credits

Concentration Elective*

3 credits

Elective ++

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15-16

Fourth Semester

Concentration Elective*

3 credits

MDLAModern Language +

3 credits

ENGLLiterature Elective ++

3 credits

Directed Elective +++

3 credits

Elective ++

3 credits

Total Credit Hours:15

Total Credit Hours: 61-64

The Mathematics (QL) and Science (SCI) electives must be selected from the list of approved general education courses in each of those categories.

One course should be designated as Diversity and Global Awareness (D).

Two courses must be completed as Writing Intensive (WI).

+Modern Language Elective:  Six (6) credits of the same modern language are required for graduation.


*Concentration Electives

HIST103, HIST113, HIST121, HIST123, HIST140, HIST153, HIST163, HIST165, HIST166, HIST168, HIST173, HIST183, HIST210, HIST211


++History Elective, Literature Elective, and Electives

History Elective: HIST103, HIST113, HIST121, HIST123, HIST153, HIST163, HIST165, HIST166, HIST168, HIST173, HIST183, HIST210, HIST211

English Literature Elective:  ENGL201G, ENGL203G, ENGL205G, ENGL250G, ENGL251G, ENGL255G, ENGL256G, ENGL257G, ENGL260G, ENGL264G, ENGL265G


Biological Science: any BIOS except not both BIOS105 and BIOS107

Chemistry:  any CHEM except CHEM011, CHEM121, CHEM135

Communications:  all CMTH except CMTH180, CMTH182, CMTH185, CMTH240, CMTH252

Computer and Information Science:  CISC101, CISC115

Economics:  only ECON201

English:  only ENGL201G, ENGL203G, ENGL205G, ENGL211G, ENGL250G, ENGL251G, ENGL253, ENGL255G, ENGL256G, ENGL257G, ENGL258, ENGL260G, ENGL264G, ENGL265G, ENGL267

Geography:  any GEOG

Geology:  only GEOL201

History:  any HIST

Humanities: any HUMA

Journalism:  JOUR101, JOUR204

Mathematics:  any MATH except MATH020, MATH022, MATH026, MATH028, MATH103, MATH118, MATH119

Modern Languages: any MDLA

Music: any MUSC

Philosophy: any PHIL

Physical Education: any PHED to a maximum of 2 credits

Physics:  any PHYS except PHYS215, PHYS225

Political Science: any POLS

Publishing: any PUBL

Psychology: any PSYC

Sociology/Anthropology: any SOCA


+++  Directed Electives

ECON201, GEOG121, GEOG140, GLBL130, HUMA140, INTS250, POLS101, POLS105G, POLS150, POLS110, POLS202, POLS205POLS251