Transferring In

Northampton Community College will accept credits when transferring from another institution when the following criteria are met:

  1. Credits earned from:
    • U.S. colleges and universities that are regionally accredited. (Coursework from other institutions not regionally accredited will be reviewed on a case by case basis).
    • foreign institutions that are evaluated by a member of a recognized evaluation agency like World Education Services Inc. or Educational Credential Evaluators Inc. and a copy of the evaluation sent directly to NCC. (For more information concerning an evaluation service provider, please contact the NCC Admissions Office).
    • the military provided to the College on the official DD295 form, AARTS, or Joint Services transcript.
  2. The course grade is C or better. Courses taken on a pass/fail basis may be accepted only if the official transcript states that a "pass" grade is equivalent to a C or above.
  3. The course content is equivalent to a Northampton course.
  4. The course is applicable to the student's Northampton program.
  5. Official transcripts are mailed or sent electronically to the Admissions Office directly from the student's previous college, university, or other post-secondary educational institution.

A minimum of 25% of credits required for any degree, certificate or specialized diploma must be earned through NCC course work. Remaining credits may be awarded through transfer or as outlined in the Advanced Placement Policy.

Admissions determines transferability of credits for new students and change of majors into the allied health majors; the Registrar determines all other transferability of credits.

Transferred credits are recorded at the top of the NCC transcript as "Transfer Work". Grades do not transfer; transfer credits have no effect on the Northampton Community College grade point average (GPA).