Academic Probation Policy

Northampton Community College is committed to the academic success of its students. Students who do not achieve a cumulative grade point average in accordance with the following standards will be placed on academic probation:

Cumulative Attempted Credits Cumulative GPA
9-25 1.50
26-40 1.75
41+ 2.00

Students placed on academic probation are subject to the following conditions:

  • Students must meet with an academic probation counselor and develop a plan for improved academic performance.
  • Students on probation for a first semester will be limited to maximum enrollment of 13 credits. Additionally, students may have some restrictions placed on them regarding the types of courses they take. The academic probation counselor will recommend action based on the meeting with the student and after review of the academic record. This action may include requiring students to take specific courses.
  • Any student who has been placed on academic probation for two consecutive major semesters may be academically suspended for up to one academic year. If a student is academically suspended, he/she may appeal the suspension. A committee comprised of an Advising staff member, the appropriate Academic Dean, one faculty member from each academic division and the Vice President, Enrollment & Student Affairs or his/her designee will review the appeal and make a recommendation to the Vice President for Academic Affairs whose decision is final. Appeals must be made at least 6 weeks prior to the start of a fall semester, or 5 college days prior to the spring semester.
  • Students who are academically suspended more than once and who do not make academic progress upon return to NCC will be dismissed from the institution for a minimum of three years.