
Middle Level Education: Grades 4 to 8, Associate in Arts


Program Narrative

The need for dedicated, caring, and highly skilled teachers in our nation's schools is greater than ever before. Northampton is committed to providing an excellent foundation for students preparing to major in middle level education when they transfer to a four-year college or university. 

The College offers the first two years of the baccalaureate degree program. Completion of the Associate in Arts Degree with a major in Middle Level Education: Grades 4 to 8 allows for a smooth transition to a four-year institution. At the transfer institution students will take advanced courses leading to a degree and certification for grades 4 through 8. 

Students interested in becoming an art teacher should refer to the Individualized Transfer Studies major which is the pathway from NCC to Kutztown University for art education.

Transfer Information

This AA in Middle Level Education provides a pathway to transfer to a four-year college or university where students can earn a baccalaureate degree and apply for their teacher 
licensure. Students are strongly encouraged to select a transfer destination as soon as possible. Students should consult with their chosen transfer institution regarding recommended courses that will transfer and be applied to their baccalaureate degree program. These are some of the places NCC students transfer frequently to, though students may transfer to a wide variety of institutions.

  • East Stroudsburg University 
  • Kutztown University 
  • Bloomsburg University 
  • Moravian College 

Career Information

NCC's associate degree program focuses on hands-on experiences and ongoing field-work, allowing students to get excited about their future from the start. The associate degree transfers smoothly into a baccalaureate level middle level education teacher certification program. Most, but not all, of the courses can be completed online.

Program Entry Requirements 

  • Act 114 FBI PDE Federal Criminal History Record
  • Act 34 Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Record Check 
  • Act 151 Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance 
  • Act 31 Mandated and Permissive Reporting in Pennsylvania Online Training
  • Medical Marijuana Policy Form
  • Act 24 Pennsylvania Department of Education Arrest/Conviction Report and Certification Form  
  • TB (Tuberculin) test 

NOTE: Students must obtain all background clearances and other documentation in order to do the field work component of each education course – the field work in schools is integral to success in these courses.


Students must earn a grade of "C" or better in all education courses.



Program Outcomes

Program Outcomes

  • Explain the distinctive philosophy and characteristic components of developmentally responsive middle level programs and schools.
  • Identify the range of developmental differences of all young adolescents and the implications of these differences for teaching and learning.
  • Explain the historical, legal, and philosophical frameworks of special education to describe current trends, evidence-based practices, and resources relevant to the education of children with exceptionalities.
  • Summarize the process of acquiring multiple languages and literacy skills, and the sociocultural characteristics of English Language Learners.
  • Plan positive, productive teaching and learning opportunities that take into consideration the developmental differences of adolescents.
  • Practice being a positive role model and tutor to middle level students by upholding high professional standards in the school setting during 40 hours of early field experience.


First Semester

COLS101College Success

1 credits

MATH150Introductory Statistics

3 credits

COMM101Introduction to Communication

3 credits

ENGL101English I

3 credits

EDUC115Education for All Students

3 credits

HIST113American History I

3 credits


Second Semester

EDUC260GAdolescent Development & Cognition

3 credits

MATH140College Algebra

3 credits

BIOS105Contemporary Biology

4 credits

ENGL151LEnglish II

3 credits

General Education Elective (SSHB)

3 credits


Third Semester

SPEC160Introduction to Special Education

3 credits

MATH118Foundations of Mathematics I

3 credits

CHEM135Chemistry of Life

4 credits

General Education Elective (SIT or SSHB)

3 credits

Transfer Elective +

3/4 credits


Fourth Semester

ENGL215GMulticultural Adolescent Literature

3 credits

MATH119Foundations of Mathematics II

3 credits

General Education Elective (SIT or SSHB)

3 credits

Transfer Elective +

3 credits

Transfer Elective +

3/4 credits


Total Credits: 63-65

  • Computer competencies are included in various courses in the program.

+ Transfer Electives must be selected with the advice of an academic advisor so that courses will transfer to the student's intended teacher certification program and correspond to the area of subject content the student will teach at the middle school level.