
Media Production, Associate in Applied Science



Northampton's Media Production program is a highly creative course of study that allows you to explore your potential in communicating ideas through the use of electronic and digital media.

  • A degree in Media Production will help prepare you for a career in:
  • Broadcast, corporate, and social media production
  • Audio recording, engineering and recording studio production
  • Studio-based television and portable video production
  • Fiction or documentary digital cinema production
  • Digital editing and post-production
  • Radio production/post-production
  • Multimedia photography, animation and video


Northampton's program includes both academic and technical aspects of Media Production. Curriculum includes courses in audio and video production, communications, and writing. Courses include television and portable video, recording studio production, editing and post production, and multimedia production. Aesthetic considerations are stressed as the program strives to develop your capacity as an electronic artist. In addition we offer the following resources:

  • Live broadcast HD television studio
  • Audio and Video Post Production Lab for Final Cut, Premiere, After Effects, and Logic
  • Pro Tools Surround Sound mixing studio
  • Panasonic camcorders and Nikon digital cameras
  • WNCC steaming radio station
  • Video Waves cable and internet TV show
  • Internship opportunities

Career Potential: Television/Radio Producer, Audio Producer/Engineer, Multimedia Producer, Director, Camera Operator, Editor, Radio or Sports Announcer, Scriptwriter

Important Resources:


Graduates of the program will:

  • Be skilled in the basic operation of the audio, video and multimedia equipment used to produce media presentations.
  • Know and be able to use the technical terms and "language" of media production.
  • Formulate and plan audio, video and multimedia productions and to explain their plans both orally and in writing.
  • Collaborate and direct others respectfully and appropriately in a variety of cultural contexts.
  • Develop their creative intelligence and capacity for creative expression in the form of media arts.
  • Use various media technologies to communicate information, ideas and feelings to an audience.
  • Combine or edit basic sound and image elements to generate more complex forms of communication messages.
  • Critically evaluate media including both their own work and the work of others with an awareness of cultural context and the effect of one’s own biases.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the business and operating procedures of radio, television and other electronic media and be able to work effectively in various positions in media companies, in companies with media departments or in entrepreneurial situations.
  • Analyze the effects of media on individuals, society and culture.
  • Understand and be able to describe the evolution of media technologies and industries and the forces that shaped them.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the laws applying to media and be able to apply them to real situations.


First Semester

COLS101College Success

1 credits

COMM101Introduction to Communication

3 credits

CMTH103Mass Communication

3 credits

CMTH120Audio Production

3 credits

ENGL101English I

3 credits

General Education Elective (SSHB)

3 credits


Second Semester

CMTH126The Communication Arts

3 credits

CMTH170Television Production

3 credits


3 credits


ENGL151LEnglish II

3 credits


ENGL151REnglish II

3 credits


ENGL151TEnglish II

3 credits


Mathematics (QL) or Science (SCI) Elective

3/4 credits


Third Semester

CMTH221History of Broadcasting

3 credits

Media Elective +

3 credits

Media Elective +

3 credits


JOUR101Journalism and Society

3 credits


JOUR102News Editing

3 credits



3 credits



3 credits


Fourth Semester

CMTH275Media Production Internship

3 credits


CMTH251Advanced Television Production

3 credits


CMTH246Advanced Audio Production

3 credits


Media Elective +

3 credits

Media Elective +

3 credits


3 credits


3 credits


Total Credits: 61-62

  • The Mathematics (QL) or Science (SCI) Elective must be selected from the list of approved courses for those categories.
  • Completion of CMTH225G satisfies the Writing Intensive (WI) requirement.
  • Computer competencies are included in various courses in this program. Thus, completing the program automatically satisfies the computing requirement for thsi program.
  • Elective credits may be selected from the following groups or from any courses which meet the transfer or career goals of the students. 
+Media Electives must be taken from the following list: CMTH122, CMTH130, CMTH145, CMTH150, CMTH180, CMTH182, CMTH185, CMTH240, CMTH245, CMTH246, CMTH251, CMTH252. (CMTH122 must be taken three (3) times to fulfill the requirement of media elective).